"Lake Edge" by Emily Mason
Loved these cool,deep colors, it feels almost like you could just dive in. I love, love, love this artist's work. I don't know why achieving this kind of feeling in my own paintings is so elusive. It looks so simple, but it isn't at all.
I've been reading more than sewing, although I have some gift quilts I am working on.
Sewing this way is relaxing, especially when I listen to a book at the same time.
I've been struggling lately with too much sadness. I finally had to stop listening to the news. The tragedy of war is so overwhelming and I had a terrible sense of foreboding and sadness that I couldn't shake. The feelings seemed to affect my ability to create art as well. I'm more the "make a joyful noise" type when I make art, and I don't seem to be able to express the darker emotions that way.
Focusing on the positive now. Look at the beautiful spirit in this art.
I like the painting, but the color blue is a bit mellow for me.... Especially those shapes expressed in this piece and the scale...
Blue is one of my favorite colors, but then again I am not warm and bubbly...
You introduced me to Emily Mason and I love her work a great deal. These colours are ones I've selected for my next quilt which I hope to start on the week of the 14th.
As far as the sadness regarding current affairs, I've been nuturing myself on and off from the beginning of this war 3 years ago. It has been traumatizing to me for that long.
I love the serene feeling the painting evokes.
I rarely listen to the news anymore, nor do I do much more than skim the paper. My tendency toward depression and feeling overwhelmed by things I can do nothing about dictates that I watch my intake of sad and terrible things. The anxiety over my father's dementia is about all I can deal with at the moment.
I completely share your feelings about the war. Everything seems impossible to resolve. The blue in that piece is beautiful, but rather sad, I think. (They don't call it the blues for nothing.) Your mood may be more pervasive than you think!
Beautiful painting...I agree with your feelings about war and with Jenclair on not watching the news. That's what I'm (not) doing, I just can't deal with it anymore. On a positive note, I think of this painting as refreshing rather than blue in the sad sense. It makes me feel very cool on a very hot day here.
I love her work. I think many of us are trudging along with a heavy heart, thinking it can't get any worse and then it does. Our week of vacation was great because we hardly watched the news, and I think you need a break. We have to keep praying that it will get better, soon.
This IS beautiful. Thank you for providing such a nice resting place. It's an oasis for so many of us in hot hot temperatures.
I too have stopped listening to the news. I look at the headlines and that's about it. J listens to the news channels all day long (and into the night) and it just makes me cringe. And cry. Like Jenclair, I can't deal with it.
The very reason that I have embraced making the Quilts of Valor is that I hope to give something very positive and heartwarming to someone who has lived the bad news on the TV. We are far removed but the soldiers have been there in the action. Each one of them must be changed forever. I hope my quilts help push the bad out every now and then.
And, menopause is a moody condition too. . .
It's a quandary--do I stay informed or stay filled with dread? Don gives me the body count when I come home every night. We are in the midst of disaster, and yet we aren't ... so far. After yesterday's news, it's just a matter of time until we are TRULY in the midst of disaster again. You've been through a lot and need to avoid more sadness or fear. I recommend avoiding "The Kite Runner" if you haven't already read it. I finished it the other night and canNOT shake the gloom it left over me.
Keep looking for beauty.
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