What have I been up to? Lots of planning for family activities, a wedding shower in early October which I am co-hostessing (is that a word?) and a big family party the next day. The gift quilt for the bride is back from the quilter, and I am working on the binding a little each evening.
In a stunning juxtaposition of joy and sorrow, one nephew is getting married at the end of next month, and another (his brother) is coping with the news that his wife's chemotherapy is not working. The family party is to bring our family and hers together. We will enjoy good food, each other's company, and the fine weather outside on the deck. Gatherings like this are her favorite activity, and what no one is saying out loud is that she may not be well enough to attend the wedding.
Carpe diem.
My heart goes out to you and your family in your time of celebration and grief. Isn't that how life goes by? The good and the bad flowing together.
"be smart, drink your wine. Scale back your long hopes."
I always thought carpe diem meant seize the day. I guess it kind of does. Now I've admitted my vast ignorance of Latin, even though when I was a child, mass was still done in Latin.
I've discovered so many wonderful artists thanks to you.
I'm adding my sentiments to those of Fran's...she said it so well.
Thinking about you. I lost my SIL this morning to cancer - my brother's wife. She was just 60. Now, I am trying to decide if I can make the trip back to NY.
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