I received a nice surprise from Deb in the form of a PIF challenge gift. She sent me a beautiful tassel, complete with lots of textured and multicolored fibers and charms. (You can see pictures of what she made if you visit her blog). It hangs in a place of honor in my studio, reminding me that it's time now for me to get busy on my own PIF (pay it forward)gifts.
My third exciting bit of news is that my piece "Roots and Wings" has been accepted into the Fiberarts of Southern California show "The Voice That is Great Within Us". This is their first juried exhibit, I believe, and it is mine too. I am thrilled to be included, and will share the website for the work when it is posted. I know it is my best work so far, and it it is beyond exciting for me to know that I will be showing it. So, a little "happy dance" for me.
Another reason I am feeling wonderful today is that my son is home for a visit. It has not been that long since I saw him, but I am "soaking it up" because it might be a while before the next trip. He is emptying out the final things he wants from his room, and then it will be free for us to do with as we will. Of course he will always have a place with us anytime he needs it, but I DO have my eye on his larger room with better natural light for my new workspace. I have been looking at studios online, at sewing furniture, at design walls etc etc.
I am feeling mainly indecisive about the whole thing from the paint color on (bright and cheerful or neutral?), but I do know that focusing on a future fun project makes me less sad about the finality of all this moving out and moving on.
Any suggestions about "must haves' or "be sure to avoids" regarding setting up a studio are much appreciated!
How exciting to plan a new sewing space - even though it comes at the heels of your son officially moving out. I think I would opt for a neutral background - walls, floor, etc, with lots of bright accents - pillows, quilts, etc. That way the background would allow you to make a large variety of things, and the accents which can be rotated can cheer you up.
Beautiful quilt. That must have been some project. Congrats on getting into the show. I didn't enter this year. Last year was the first juried show.
Congratulations on your piece being accepted in the fiber show! Great!
Must have more space!!!! That's how I felt after I finished getting my space set up, & it's 4 times bigger than what I had before!
Love the new header on your blog, & congrats on getting into the show!
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