The middle quilt has lots of Civil War reproduction fabrics, heavily featuring pink and brown.
Joan was delighted with it since she loves these fabrics and they go perfectly in her newly redecorated bedroom.
The last quilt has a country picnic sort of look in the blues that Diane loves. Our friend Diane nearly died this year following a botched surgery (in Mexico) and resulting infection, so we are grateful that she is still with us.
Today I finished the last of the shopping (including grocery shopping) and wrapping. Tomorrow we are not the hosts, but we will spend special evening time with family. Christmas day we will spend some time with Jerry's dad and also have some quiet family time. Whatever your observance, may you be blessed with a wonderful holiday!
Wonderful quilts! Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas!
All these quilts are just fabulous. I actually said "omigosh" about them all, but especially the "omigosh quilt". I'm fond of the apple one, too.
I really like that blue and red one--so crisp!
Ohhh yes, I made once the bulls eye. This is a fun pattern to do . and the result is great!!! I love the second quilt very much .
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