Thanks for your comments on my fun crazy face portrait (and my lame "learning about realism with inks" portrait). I have taken plenty of art classes over the years, but portraiture has never been an interest, nor do I have a gift for it. I can draw the figure fairly well, but faces are elusive. I do recommend the crazy one for fun. I am already thinking about using the method for other subjects.
Now to report on another workshop: "Awakening the Art Quilter in You" with Wendy Butler Berns. Honestly, I didn't think my art quilter was really asleep, but I DID want to learn more about embellishing, couching, collaging, bobbin work, and free motion machine embroidery. And I did. I already had done fusing, some couching, and a little bobbin work with perle cotton, but this time I used a little Razzle Dazzle from Superior in the bobbin. I like the bobbin work idea VERY much and want to do more of it. Wendy was fun and I enjoyed her quilts, and, at least for this class she had the relaxed style I enjoy. This was a full day class (Friday), but I still ran out of time.
In the interest of showing you everything, I will display my practice piece from the class, but keep in mind it was done just to learn technique. I am not happy with it as a finished piece, but that's ok. I think there may be some elements I will cut out and use elsewhere.
Love the swirly centers :-)
Jenny, I really like this piece. How big is it? I love the colors you used on that wonderful background fabric.
Thanks Samantha and Micki. That is a handpainted background fabric, and the piece measures about 11" x 14". It is stabilized with a heavy weight fusible interfacing on the back. Jen
And what, pray tell, is wrong with this piece???? I love it - You can send it to me if you don't want it! Add a border or two and some swirly quilting...its got movement and the colors are hot...This style I could get into...Thanks for the link to Wendy's gallery...I like her pieces...
I like it, too! Do you think that maybe creating it on the fly is what keeps you from liking it?
Give this piece a chance. ;)
I like it too. It's fun and playful.
I was going to say, "What's not to like?" but some others beat me to it!!
I agree add some swirlies, beads in the background here and there, a border and finish it as a prelude to spring! It's very cheerful and spunky!
These pieces you are showing look like so much fun, so loose and easy. They look like the kind of art that can't be 'wrong' because the style is so free. I love them.
I envy you the classes you took "On the Road". You are doing some amazing work and learning a lot. Even the portrait that you don't like has a lot going for it. You're going to have a fantastic arsenal of techniques for your future work. I look forward to sharing in your journey.
I opened your blog this morning as I sat on the couch in my pajamas and was delighted with this vision of happiness!!! We have had more rain than normal here in Oregon and that doesn't usually really bother me but I realize how color deprived I am when I see something this bright and beautiful...I like it !!! Ginger
I so agree - for a practice piece - it is fabulicious. Love it - so happy and cheerful. The colors are great. Finish it!
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