Thanks so much for your supportive comments on the last post. Most of the time I try to keep it on the lighter side here, but once in a while it gets the best of me.
I had a really nice weekend and entertained my quilting group on Sunday. I was way too busy preparing to sit around feeling depressed. Jerry and I bought some "color" for the yard and spent a couple of hours sprucing things up outside. Later I hauled out all the indoor fall decorations and had a great time arranging things. Despite the 90 degree weather, I am trying to get in the fall spirit. At least the nights and mornings have been a little cooler.
There is nothing like time spent with friends to help you get perspective. The sad things are still there, but you remember to count the blessings.
"There is nothing like time spent with friends to help you get perspective. The sad things are still there, but you remember to count the blessings."
Amen! Nothing like the company of good friends to cure whatEVER ails you.
Thanks so much for the signpost to S.Booma's work. I am so knocked out by it all. Makes me want to pitch my cranky Janome in the yard...nah. Not really but almost.
I'm glad you had friends around you to fill your time and take your mind away from the sad stuff. Friendships are so important in times of sorrow. Just being together and feeling the love is balm for the soul.
You are so right. Glad you had some good time with friends.
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