This morning, we struggled out of bed to get out to the lake and walk before work (so far the back is behaving, many thanks for your good wishes.) The stars were bright in a clear sky and it felt like the middle of the night. It made me think of our long ago camping vacations, tucking the children into the back seat with their pillows as we set off to get an early start. At the lake we saw the sun rise in a faintly pink sky, reflected in the glassy surface of the water. We heard the ducks and birds greet the day with all their twittering, clucking and quacking. I especially like the homey sounds the coots make when they are content.
Quilt wise, I have dozens of things to work on but two with"deadlines" attached. One is the courthouse steps I showed you earlier, and the other is a pink and green quilt for baby Emily. Evenings I have been mostly watching forgettable tv or reading, so there isn't much progress being made. Maybe next week I'll have more to show.
I'm looking forward to seeing your journal quilt. I, too, am enjoying the cool weather. I could use a little more sunshine as I know it is going to disappear for days on end, soon enough.
Lovely arrangement of mums and pumpkings. I'm so excited that one of my pumpkins in the garden is beginning to turn orange. I really appreciate our change of seasons. Sometimes I threaten to move to the Santa Barbara coast where I'll never have to deal with freezing winters, but I'd probably not like it after a while.
Don't you just love that chill in the air? That's a reel purty arrangement of punkins and mums, and I'm glad you're able to get out and about without your back bothering you.
Oh, happy day.
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