Somehow it feels like a whole week of my life disappeared. Thankfully, I am mostly mended now and back to normal activity, including work. Tomorrow morning we even plan to resume exercise by walking at the lake. What did I learn? Do not move large heavy furniture by yourself even if you are in a reorganizing frenzy and are too impatient to wait for help.
This very traditional and old-fashioned courthouse steps quilt is perfect for using up all those strips. It is "scrappy" in a planned way, designed to suit the taste of the person who will be receiving it.
There is something very soothing about sewing these simple blocks, and I love to do it while listening to a book on CD. If I have to concentrate on what I am doing, music is better.
It has been brutally hot here up until the last couple of days when we finally were able to turn off the AC. I feel a little guilty about using the extra energy, but when it hits triple digits all bets are off. I'm just glad we have the AC and are able to figure out what we can give up to pay the heart stopping electricity bill. I have been making a conscious effort not to buy any more new books, fabric or shoes for a while, at least until the heat wave is over.
I'm sorry to hear you've been down. Backs take a long time to heal, but THEY DO GET BETTER! Jim was sick when we moved and I moved a huge potted plant and immediately knew I'd made a major tactical error. So I know what you're talking about. And it's usually because I'm impatient to wait for help.
Take 'er easy.
I have also had the back problem caused by impatience. Glad you're feeling better. Walking is supposed to be good for backs, so good luck.
Great Courthouse Steps quilt; I so agree about the pleasure of simple sewing and a book on tape!
I think the heatwave has altered your thinking: no more shoes???? No more fabric???? Post-menopausal women + heatwave = cruel and unusual punishment. Our E-bill was $300 last month, which is probably not too bad considering we're in the lap of TVA. But I'd pay it if it were three THOUSAND.
Need I say I love log cabins? Added to music or NPR it's a chill-out Rx for me. Love yours--lucky recipient.
Lower back & disc problems here too. I feel your pain. Very glad you're on the mend. I think it's in a woman's nature to be impatient with things. We are always nurturing others-it's hard to ask for help.
I can't function in heat-luckily for me the rest of the family feel the same. Our monthly summer bill in NY is over $700-I thank the Lord we are lucky enough to be able to pay it.
Rest up and enjoy the peace.
Glad your back is getting better. Bad backs are murder to live with!
Love the Courthouse Steps. After my fiasco with inset corners last night, I'm ready for simple strips.
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