Thanks so much for your encouraging comments! I need to work on my indoor digital photography skills, as I don't think the color and shine show up quite right. In "real life" the color is not garish at all, just shimmery and kind of glowing. No wonder quilt artists get hooked on silk.
Deb asked about bobbin work, in particular what perle cotton you use and if you can wind it by machine or hand. The answer for winding depends on your particular machine. If you can adjust the speed of your bobbin winder to SLOW then you can do it by machine. If not, winding by hand works fine. You can use any perle cotton you want, either from the little balls or from a skein. I have also used regular DMC. You really are not limited. If you want to use a REALLY thick yarn or decorative thread, you can bypass the bobbin altogether and sew it on the front of your work by couching (sewing across it with a zig-zag stitch). If you want only the couched thread to show, use monopoly, and if you want the zig-zag to show, use the color of your choice. Some of the most beautiful thread I have is hand dyed from Artfabrik. I also like the gorgeous stuff from Superior, and Madiera is also nice.
Here is a website that talks a little about bobbin work. They are showing wearable art, but of course you can use it however you please. Here is some good information about thread and needles (although there are even more "brands" of thread than are mentioned). One more site here.
There are lots of great books out there on the subject of thread embellishment (I have several), but you can get started with the simple info on the websites. Some recommend having a separate bobbin case to dedicate to thread work so you can play around with the tension. If you have a "drop in" bobbin no case is needed, just bypass the tension altogether. Try something new, and have fun!
Thanks for all the hints and links!
Yep, what Deb said: Thanks for the hints and links! I really LOOOOVE the colors in your photo piece. Very vibrant!
I know I've asked you this before, maybe you've answered and I've missed it--but where in SoCal do you live? I am up on the central coast but I used to live in San Diego and Orange County. I'm always trying to figure it out from your pictures. I'm thinking it might be southeast of San Diego. Is it near Lemon Grove? But with a sunset like that, it might be nearer to the west of Escondido? I don't think it's Orange County or you'd be talking about the fires. Hmmm. Fun guessing game.
Me too...thanks for the links. There is so much good stuff on the web, but sometimes hard to find. Recommendations are good.
You're welcome, hope you all branch out and have fun with your threadwork if you haven't already.
Rian, that photo is actually sunRISE so you are looking east. I live in the east county of San Diego (unincorporated area), east of El Cajon, not too far from Singing Hills and Sycuan. In the not too distant past it used to be the country :)
Even though those fires were up in Orange county, I think they are what gave that sunrise it's vivid color. Jen
Which brands are the threads in the pictures in this entry? They look marvelous - fabulous colours!
Best regards from NY! » »
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