Today's eye candy is courtesy of my friend Carla, who found this great old top in perfect condition and gave it new life by quilting and finishing it. Don't you love the color?
I am working on finishing up: some postcards, a quilt for our quilt group's Christmas exchange, a small wool project, and something I just started made with hand painted wool (I painted the wool night before last). This is not a list of unfinished projects, but just what is going on right now. I start lots of things all the time, and sometimes they get finished and sometimes they don't. I get bored working on the same project start to finish. Often if I don't finish a project, it gets cut up and made into something else.
I work full time, my life is busy, and quilting and art (and art quilting) are my relaxation, my joy, and my sanity. Someday when I retire, I will rejoice in making quilting my daily focus. Until then I will chip away at those UFOs (or not) and enjoy the experience. I figure those UFOs will be waiting for me when I retire. And that fabric stash? That's just an investment in my future.
Yes, I do love the colors!
Jenny! Tell Carla I would be more than happy to take that quilt off her hands! It is wonderful! I love quilts like this! And the colors are great! What a find!
Your friend's quilt is super!
Could you share a photo of your hand painted wool? That sounds interesting...as do all of your current projects! Show us when you can please! ;-)
Amen sister! I couldn't agree more with your UFO philosophy. And the picture of Carla's quilt reminds me that I have a quilt top in those exact same colors that I found at an estate sale...I should get that out and quilt it...one of these days. LOL!
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