Sunday, November 05, 2006

I need Blog Advice

I have been having a few "blog" problems lately, and maybe some of you can help me. After reading Blogger "Help", I realized that I did NOT have a handy "switch your blog to Beta" button anywhere, so I just went to Google and signed up for an account. Now I have a password and a Google account with the option to set up a new blog. The old blog did not follow me there. So how do I set up a new blog and transfer the old archives? Is it even possible to do that?, or should I just drop kick the old blog and move on to Beta. If I do start a brand new blog, and I paste the ring codes into it, is that enough or do I need to reapply to join my rings? Help is appreciated. (Note: I know some of you have something other than Blogger that has worked well, but I want to keep a free service and am hoping to work it out.)

Oh, and FWIW I am having trouble posting any pictures from home. I don't know if it's Blogger (as it has been in the past) or if it is something related to recently updated virus protection software.


Deb R said...

According to ye olde Blogger "helpe" deske, they can't switch everyone to Beta all at once and are doing it in batches and a switch button is supposed to show up when they're ready for you. It hasn't shown up for me yet either. :-)

Anonymous said...

Maybe I can help a bit... I just switched yesterday, and it was really pretty easy. It's two steps - all of your pictures, old posts, profile, archives, and link list will transfer. If you have a blog ring thing or counter or other inserted item on your page, it won't transfer, but you can get to it. Before you do anything, however, I'd suggest you save a backup of everything you already have. Go to your Dashboard, and change the settings to exhibit all of your posts. Then open your blog, click on file, click on "save as", and create a "blog backup file" in your documents. Save it to that file. Then switch. That way, if something doesn't switch, you can copy and paste it in. (I can help you with that if you like.) I had worried about if my blog address would change (it did not), if my template would change (it did not), if the comments and everything would work the same for visitors (they did) and if my old posts would all be there (they were). Piece of cake. Good luck, and thanks for visiting my blog today :>) Robin

Jane Ann said...

As the risk of sounding like I'm on a soapbox, I can tell you switching to WordPress was a piece o' cake and all I had to do was push a button to import all my old posts. It's a lot more efficient too. Rian tried to switch but couldn't, and I think maybe the problem is that she had already switched to Beta Blogger and I hadn't. (I'm thinking it's harder to import from the Beta version.) Deb Geyer seems pleased with WordPress too. Just my 2 cents.

Kay said...

If you've got the Google account, you should be able to switch easily when the button pops up again, right? Very helpful information here. Thanks, ladies.