Here, as promised, is a nice picture of Jane in her "mother of the groom" dress. I like the tailored look, and it was very elegant on her. She's standing with Lou (her husband, groom's father). If you can believe it, he is 72 and she is 61. I think they look very young for their ages.
The corsages are made of tiny orchids, which to tell the truth did not hold up very well. The bridal bouquet (sorry no picture) was stunning though.

Here is a shot showing Jean's pretty cover up shawl. The next one is of Jeff and Jean with Clyde (my FIL and Jeff's grandpa.) I blogged about his
91st birthday in July. Gotta love the tie.

Thanks to the people who had Blogger advice. I think I'll wait for a while and see if my little blue button for switching to Beta shows up. I'd rather keep the old blog and just update features instead of starting all over.
And, since I haven't shown any quilting for a while in this space, I will leave you with a picture of my friend Sheryl's warm and cozy flannel quilt. Very easy to make and perfect for this time of year.
You're right--they are a handsome couple (groom's parents) and they do look young for their ages. If men stay trim and manage to hold onto their hair, they age very, very well--as he did.
This is a great looking group of people. I love the tie! He looks like so much fun.
You're not alone, I'm also waiting for that elusive button to show up ... or hoping that blogger automagically makes the switch to the version currently known as beta.
What an elegant, beautiful couple. And I love the quilt! Thanks for sharing!
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