Saturday, December 23, 2006

Happy Holidays!

These are New Zealand pohutukawa blooms. This tree has abundant red flowers around Christmas time, which is in the New Zealand summer. When we were there a few years ago, we were a little too late to see this tree in its full glory. I thought it would make a nice holiday visual.

Today we are having a huge family Christmas get together. We usually do this within a day or two of the actual holiday, then have our own individual family celebrations. Since we host Thanksgiving, we don't usually do Christmas, so I am relaxed and drinking my coffee and a bit later I will prepare my potluck contribution ( green salad for 50). I try to make it a bit special with a large colorful variety of peppers and greens, slivered almonds and mandarin oranges, but it is still just a salad and pretty easy to prepare. My Christmas shopping is done, and though my sewing room still looks like gift wrap central, all the presents are under the tree and ready to go. Hope you all have a peaceful and happy holiday!


Debra Dixon said...

Happy Holidays to you, Jenny!

Deborah M. said...

Those flowers are just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful holiday. Is it just me or is your blog out of sorts? Everything seems to be mixed up and out of order!!

Rian said...

All the best to you Jenny. Have a wonderful holiday.

Karoda said...

Peace to you and your crew of 50 during the holidays!

Deb Hardman said...

Happy holidays to you too!

Shelina said...

Wow that is a beautiful tree. Glad you had a wonderful holiday, hope your New Year goes well also.