This morning was cold and clear again, and I had to use my "California Ice Scraper" (a credit card). I could even see frost on my neighbor's rooftops. When I moved to California from Michigan some 30+ years ago, this always made me laugh. Imagine, using a credit card for an ice scraper!
I know you want to see all of the quilts that were exchanged last weekend, so here is another installment.

Cindy's turn to open her quilt.

Cindy loves the "primitive" folk art style, so as you can see Carla got it just right.
Thank you for sharing the pictures from your quilt exchange. I think it is such a good idea to have an exchange like this - I've never received a quilt either! These are all beautiful, and they all look like they were each perfectly made for the recipient.
Oh. My. Goodness!!!! What absolutely GORGEOUS quilts exchanged by all of you!!! Just gorgeous work!!! And I'll have one JUST LIKE Cindy's, thank you very much!!! ROFL Seriously, it is my kind of quilt and just sooooo beautiful! Carla did a great job!
I love the bird houses and birds on the border, very cute!
Where in Michigan are you from?
Michiganer by birth, Arizonan for life. (Oh, MO, OH, CA thrown in for good measure too, lol.)
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